
Jigga Jones (2006)

DVD Cover (BCI Eclipse)
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Overall Rating 81%
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Connections: Jiggaboo Jones

Young Filmmakers ride-a-long with a career criminal fueled by alcohol and profanity. Felonies fly as the camera takes the filmmakers into the deepest parts of the criminal underworld in Los Angeles. --IMDb
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Review by Chad
Added: February 17, 2009
Even though nobody will admit to watching it, reality programming has been one of the biggest draws on television for the better part of the decade. Rappers who devote the majority of their CDs to celebrating their "ghetto roots" and their "bling" consistently tear up the album charts in any given week and have done so since the mid-nineties. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that someone got the bright idea to pair these two things together and produce a bit of reality programming that glorifies home invasions, forties, and carjacking. Welcome to the world of the "number one nigger in America", Mr. Jiggaboo Jones.

So, who is Jiggaboo Jones? Let's allow the man to introduce himself, shall we?

From his official site:
"Man I'm Jiggaboo Jones! I eat fried chicken, I steal shit, I drink Olde English, I love Grape Soda, Watermelon and a good gang fight. All the things that people associate with a Nigger. That's what I do. Now look here I ain't saying every black man is a Nigger but you gotta gimme props for being a Real Nigger. I am a Nigger and really I am a Niggers Nigger there are black people that look at me and say DAMN there goes a real Nigger!"

What he doesn't tell us in that charming biography is that the man is also a thief and a "gangsta" who makes his living by robbing others. Stealing cars? All in a days work. Breaking into your home, putting a shotgun in your face, and demanding your valuables? Just another night on the job. Stealing the hubcaps off of a police officer's car just to see if he could do it? That's Jigga for you. Jigga Jones is a film that introduces us to this product of the ghetto, follows him as he steals a couple of cars, and gives him time to weigh in on why he does these things and, in the more entertaining segments of the disc, how he does them.

What is a $1.98? Well, that is when you take an empty soda bottle, spray paint the inside of it black so that it looks to be full of a nice, tasty beverage, and then insert a metal rod into it before filling it up with concrete. The end result is basically a brick on a stick that can be used to knock the shit out of somebody, and the best part about it is that if you carry it right, it looks like nothing more than an innocent soda bottle due to the spray paint. This is but one of the tools of the trade that Jigga uses, and throughout the fifty minutes that this film runs for, we get to see a handful of these types of items as well as the expected glocks, shotguns, "nigger splitters", and other assorted firearms.

The big sell of the disc, however, is watching as Jigga partakes in illegal activity, and this leads into the "authenticity" issue that I will touch on in a moment. Before getting into that topic, I should point out that what you get here is actually sort of tame, legit or not. In one scene, Jigga walks into a parking lot, breaks into a car, and drives away with it. Illegal? Obviously, but not very exciting. In another scene, he carjacks a young lady after she pulls out of a McDonalds - "That's the best place to do it because you get a free meal out of the deal", he explains. This one absolutely reeks of bad acting, and the fact that there are females mentioned in the credits does nothing to disprove that feeling as there are no non-victim females to be seen in the film. Still another scene shows him using his $1.98 on a guy at an ATM machine, and once again, this one seems staged all around. I was actually entertained during the footage where we simply watch Jigga discuss doing this sort of thing, but watching these apparently-staged incidents was a bummer.

Is Jiggaboo Jones a legitimate hardcore criminal, and is this authentic footage of his crimes? I doubt it, but I can't say that for sure. Depending on the sources you look into, some people claim that this is all as real as it gets and that some of these crimes have shown up on their local news, while others swear that they have concrete proof that the man is a fraud. Me? I'm going to guess that it's a mixture of both, and I can say much the same about the entertainment factor of this disc. It's extremely entertaining in a perverse sort of way when we listen to him discussing his crimes and how he does them as the man is extremely charismatic, but when we get to see him actually doing said crimes, it feels too staged to be taken seriously.

Overall, it's a mildly-enjoyable disc that, if you think the subject matter sounds interesting, will probably be good for a little less than an hour of enjoyment in front of the tube. This is one of those titles that has an air of controversy surrounding it due to its content, and while it in no way lives up to the legend, it's not exactly a horrible way to spend an evening either. 6/10.
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